How to lose weight and gain muscle

How to lose weight and gain muscle

To lose weight and gain muscle are three main axes that you should work on: diet, an exercise that stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the heart, exercises to increase physical strength.

It takes a lot of hard work and commitment, but the results are worth it. Here are some tips and ideas for how to start getting to the body you've always dreamed of.

The best way to lose weight and gain muscle

Method 1

Diet food

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1-Eat more protein. Protein is a vital component in building and building muscles. During physical strength exercises, the body enters a catabolic state in which the muscles are destroyed. 
Therefore, eating protein after exercise restores the body to the state in which the muscles are rebuilt again. Here are some examples of foods high in protein to add to your menu when
 you start sticking to the diet:
-Red meat. Red meat contains 25% of protein, and is a good source of vitamin B12, zinc, and iron.
- Chicks. The skinless chicken contains the same amount of protein found in meat as it is a multi-benefit food.
Fish. Fish is a rich source of protein, such as chicken and meat, and certain types of fish such as tuna and salmon are also rich in fatty acids and omega-3s, which have high nutritional benefits
That include strengthening the immune system.
-eggs. Eggs are a rich source of protein and omega-3s.
-'Legumes. Legumes are another protein rich source (the protein content varies with the type of legumes), and in addition, they are also rich in fiber, meaning you will feel full quickly 
And for a long time when eating them.

2- Reduce carbohydrates. Reducing carbohydrates may cause weight loss, but it is not the enemy that you should abandon. Proper consumption of carbohydrates is an integral part of a successful diet 
As it absorbs protein and gives your body the energy needed to exercise. Here are some foods rich in carbohydrates that you should add to your diet menu:
-Integrated grains. Add new, pasta, rice to your shopping list. They are good sources of carbohydrates in addition to eating them reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
-Oats Oats contain the advantages of integrated nutritional grains mentioned above, and they also keep you in a state of satiety more than sugar-filled sweets, that is, they reduce your desire
 To eat snacks before lunch and the desire to make up for larger meals.
Hazel gourd spaghetti. Try it as a low-carb substitute for pasta. If the spaghetti gourd is cooked properly, you get a similar taste substitute for pasta, but four times less carbohydrates.

3-Do not go overboard in calories. Calorie consumption plays an important role in your ability to lose weight and build muscle. Excessive calorie consumption is accompanied by an unwanted
 Increase in weight, and reducing it beyond the required limit weakens your ability to build muscle.
You must consume an amount of calories ten to fifteen times your weight each day. This may sound like a lot, but don't forget that you will burn a lot of calories while exercising.
Note: This number varies according to many factors such as type, length, and age. Go online and search for a calorie calculator or download an app that does this for you, as there are many
Free applications specialized in this field.
It is best to consult with your doctor before embarking on any fundamental change in your diet.

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4-Avoid processed foods and fast food. Processed foods are the enemy you should not stick to. It has many additions and few beneficial nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber. To make matters worse, harmful fats, artificial sweeteners, vitamins and minerals have been added to it. Most of the time your body does not recognize these ingredients as food! Here are some examples of processed foods that you should avoid:
-Processed meats such as luncheon
-Sausage / Sausage
-Potato chips and biscuits
-Frozen pizza.

5-Use supplements wisely. The task of nutritional supplements, as is evident from its name 'supplement'. You can add some supplement pills such as vitamins and minerals if you find 
That you are not eating enough, but you should not replace the food entirely.

Method 2

Blood circulation and cardio stimulation exercises

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1-Make cardio exercises part of your routine. The cardio exercises are integrated with the process of losing weight because it helps in burning fat and increasing the heart rate.
A strong heart effectively pumps oxygen to the body, muscles, and helps gain strength and fitness. You should add thirty minutes to your exercise routine and repeat it four days per week.

2-Run. Running is one of the easiest, cheapest, and best cardio exercises. The effect of running starts after twenty minutes if you are a beginner. If you are at an advanced level, 
the exercise should continue from thirty to forty-five minutes.

3- Ride the bike. One of the advantages of riding a bike is that it is easier than running for joints. One disadvantage is you need to buy a bike or to obtain a permit to use a fixed one.
If you own a bike, do not forget to wear protective gear such as a helmet and protective gear, such as locks.

4-Shadow Boxing. Shadow boxing is not a metaphor, but you will stand in front of your shadow on the wall as if it were your opponent and you would box it. This method is one of the cheapest 
And easiest ways to strengthen the heart and can be practiced anywhere with enjoyment. But be careful not to over-boxing, otherwise your joints will strain and may cause a crack in the wall.

5-Dance. The benefits of dancing are not just for entertainment because on the other hand it increases your heart rate and helps you lose weight and improve your fitness. Some of these types of dances are:
-Oriental dance
-hip hop
-Bollywood dances.

6-Swim. If you have a club membership with a pool, try swimming in it. Swimming is one of the best ways to have a strong heart. More importantly, swimming has no effect on the bones and joints,
which makes it the ideal method for those who treat wounds. In addition to these features, swimming is an integrated muscle building exercise.

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Method 3

Exercises to increase physical strength

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1- Make the weight lifting exercise a part of your training regimen. Weightlifting and resistance exercises are a surefire method for building and shaping muscles, if exercised correctly.

Learn how and when to do these exercises to avoid hitting yourself and to ensure effective exercise productivity. Here are some guiding steps:
-Timing is important. The number of training days must not exceed three non-consecutive days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) in order to give your 
body a sufficient period of recovery.
-The shape is more important than weight. Don't burden yourself and try to lift heavy weights. Doing the right exercise, even with fewer weights, will ensure you build muscle better.
-Change the way you do things. Because your body will get used to the way you do the same exercises over and over again. This will add to your muscle fatigue and begin to break down.
 Change your exercise routine, add new exercises, and keep your muscles wondering what the next exercise will be!

2-Do a squat exercise. Squat When you exercise it properly, it enters your body in the state of building and muscular formation of the whole body, not just the legs. You will not need weights to do this exercise.
-Stand and spread your feet so that the distance between them is slightly larger than the width of your shoulders.
-Keep your back as normal.
-Keep your knees in the same position with your feet.
-Slowly bend your knees and lower your body until your legs reach a 90-degree angle. Take a breath.

-Return to your initial position, keep breathing.
-Repeat this exercise 15-20 times. The number of groups for beginners must not exceed two or three.

3-Do weight training with your legs. Torso exercise is very important in strength and fitness exercises. In this exercise, the focus will be on the thigh muscles and it is beneficial for 
the abdominal muscles as well.
-Sit at the end of the seat.
-Place a light dumbbell between your feet. Make sure you control it.
-Lay on the seat and grab the seat and behind your head for stability.
-Lift your feet while holding the thigh muscles and bending the knee towards your torso.
-Slowly lower your feet until your thighs and knees are in the same position.
-Repeat these steps several times in groups.

4-Try reverse grip exercise to lift weight. This exercise differs from the normal front arm muscles and biceps in that it increases the strength of the torso as well, so this exercise requires your torso to be strong enough to ensure your body is stable while exercising.
-Get upright and hold the bar with your palm facing the ground.
-Make sure your arms are straight, with your shoulders straight back.
-Lift the bar up to the shoulder level, be sure to use the biceps muscle.
-Maintain this position and rest the biceps muscle.
-Slowly lower the bar to the initial position.
-Repeat these steps several times for repeating groups.

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